The next Quarterly Meeting of the West Midland Region of the National Allotment Society will be held on Saturday 6th. August 2022 at 2.00p.m. at Bordesley Green Allotment, 592A Bordesley Green, Birmingham B9 5PA and via Zoom. It is hosted by the Bordesley Green Allotment Association.
Click here2022 05 14 Minutes of Meeting Meadow Road (1) for the Agenda for the Meeting and here 2022 08 06 August Agenda for the Minutes of the last meeting in May. The Speaker will be Fiona Warin who is the Allotment Officer for Cheltenham.
If you prefer to join the meeting via your computer rather than attend in person, for whatever reason, please email me
( ) for the Zoom Link. We have Zoom space for one hundred people!